Steve Endow's Business Central Podcast
I talk about Dynamics 365 Business Central! More resources at https://links.steveendow.com
Steve Endow's Business Central Podcast
I Need Coffee - Episode 116 - Belated BC Briefing!
Steve Endow
Episode 116
It's been a while! Grab a coffee and join Steve as he shares some Business Central updates and observations!
Directions NA Conference: https://directionsna.com/
DynamicsCon Live Conference: https://live.dynamicscon.com/
Dynamics Minds Conference: https://www.dynamicsminds.com/
BC Web API v2.0 Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/api-reference/v2.0/
Spare Brained Ideas: https://sparebrained.com/books/
ERP Center of Excellence: https://erpcoe.org/
Good Beans Coffee: https://thegoodbeans.com/
Passenger Coffee: https://passengercoffee.com/collections/shop